Midland, Texas Bush’s Home town?

Posted by RadicalRob on May 11th, 2005 filed in General

Midland, Texas advertises itself as George Bush’s home town.
Is that town so crappy that they have to make things up, or what….?
Truth is George Bush was barely in Midland, Tx, for any part of his life.
Born in Houston, Raised in Houston and Maine, schooled inHouston and elswhere, Georgie was only in Midland for a few years, while he kissed all that oil money ass, leading up to his run for Governor of Texas (Rick Perry his successor has steel balls by the way) and subsequently President.. Why do you think he keeps giving all those oil companies and oil service companies breaks in taxes and jobs in Iraq?
Midland texas is full of dirt, dust, lousy water that can’t even be federally approved (eats the rubber washers out or your sink…how bad does it have to be to be condemned?), cops on the take, cops stealing from the property department, cops making deals with the devil in order to protect another cop [cops routinely give other cops and families of other cops breaks and the benefit of the doubt in any road incedent...even if they have to fake that accident report...., this is known throughout the U.S.] , manufacture and hand in bad reports, do lousy work. They’ve got crooked D.A.’s, stupid D.A.’s who allow their witness to knowingly lie in court, just to win a case, and much more crap. The midland police force couldn’t investigate their ass if they were on a toilet with a handful of toilet paper…
Hell they even have an assistant DA who carries a gun in the court house, apparently ready to dispense justice, at the drop of a hat, to save the tax payers all that money. I beieve that is just a little too paranoid. Their county probation is ready to “teach you some respect” [just like those slave drivers from the early years of america], and “reintroduce traffic offender to society”.
What they intend to do if you don’t learn that respect, can only be imagined…..where is the Aclu when you need them? I thought this was reserved for felony convicts that have been to prison…..so what do I know ,huh?…..

They have a college that askes for bond money, while on the other hand is supported by a few million dollar trust funds.
and now they want everyone to believe they are the HOME TOWN of Georgie Bush, apparently thinking the rest of the world is as ignorant as they are.
for the full story, see Midlandtexassucks.com…because it does………


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